Monday, November 3, 2014

Purrfectly Autumn

 photo purrfectlyautumn.png

This tutorial was written by me and for those
who have a good working knowledge of psp.

Supplies Needed

Artwork by ©Karen Middleton  at CDO


My Supplies
(includes frame, background text, background,mask and alpha for name) 


Okay, let's get started
Remember to save often!!!

Open my supplies
Shift D
Close original

Open new canvas 800 x 800

Paste mask layer
If using a different tube with different colors feel free to colorize items to match

Paste bg layer

Paste text
If using a non cat tube feel free to add your own text
Type text you want and give it a bevel
Apply copies filter - tiling with gap of 1
Crop to fit bg layer

Paste frame

Paste tube

Add name 
If using my alpha just select each letter one at a time and copy and paste into tag and move where you like
Or use font and add your own bevel effect 

Add drop shadow to layers

Add copyright info

Crop and Save


  1. I loved this tutorial I made an Autism Awareness tag out of the one I did. Thanks for sharing. You taught me a new way to Tiling.

  2. So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much.

  3. this is such a sweet little tag. thank you for sharing it
